Cheesy Grits

It’s Saturday morning and as I hang out at home I am, of course, thinking of breakfast.  I think of all things breakfast on the weekends – eggs and homefries, pancakes, scones, and muffins (and whatever else seems relatively breakfast-y, pie anyone?).  I like to take the time to make a breakfast that will satisfy BF and I through out most of our weekend days so our breakfast is usually large and late  (neither of us even starts to get hungry until 10 am or so, which means the actual breakfast isn’t consumed until around 11).  It’s on these late weekend days that I, more often than not, turn to eggs – they are quick and easy and fill me up so completely that they’re always perfect.

Now, down to grits.  My big sister (who lived with me from Jan-March of this year) introduced me to grits as hangover food.  She would come in late Friday and come Saturday morning when she rolled out of bed BF and I were starting to contemplate our breakfast and Meghan would suggest grits.  As one who had never really had grits before I found myself thinking they would be hard to make and not very good.  I was wrong about that.  The grits big sis made were swoon worthy in every way – creamy, rich and topped with an over easy egg.  They were luxurious.

Since my sister moved out I still buy grits by the carton and stock up on cheese and garlic powder. Making grits is so remarkably simple and it hits the spot; especially after a night spent a bit too late at the bar.  I am still having trouble with poached eggs, so I won’t try to explain that to you – instead, if you can poach an egg do it because the grits are fantastic with a poached egg, if not then just fry an egg gently until the white sets and use that.  Either way it will be a breakfast fit for whoever you want to serve it to.

Cheesy Grits
Adapted from the back of the Quaker Grits box.
Note: I almost always make this with whatever cheese I have on hand but my favorite, by far, is the Cabot Coop Garlic and Herb Cheddar.  It made the best grits I have ever eaten and it is what I will recommend here.

2 1/4 cups water
1/2 cup grits
6 oz (about 3/4 cup) grated Cabot Coop Garlic and Herb Cheddar cheese
1 tsp garlic powder (use less if you aren’t a garlic fan)
1/2 tsp onion powder
dash of salt

In a medium saucepan combine the water and salt and bring to a rolling boil.  Once the water is boiling add the grits slowly – I recommend having them in a one cup measure and pouring them in over the course of 30 seconds or so while stirring with the other hand to keep the water moving, otherwise everything gets clumpy and that’s just sad.  Reduce the heat to medium-low, cover the pan and leave the grits alone for 12 minutes.  Look at them.  If they are thickened nicely after ten minutes they are done.  If they still look a bit runny leave them on the heat checking them every minute or so.  Remove the grits from the heat and add the garlic powder, onion powder, and cheese.  Stir completely.  Cover the grits and set them aside for the cheese to melt while you cook your eggs.  Split the grits between two bowls (this makes two as a breakfast entree four as a side) and top them with a twist of fresh ground pepper and a pat of butter.  Put your over-easy eggs on top and dig-in.  Delicious.  I find it’s best when the egg yolk is stirred into the cheesy grits. The best.  Ever.