Last week was my blogiversary. And I just let it pass with no fanfare. I realize that I don’t blog as often as I, or you, my readers, would like me too. I’m working on that. Kinda. But I just wanted to use my blogiversary to say thanks.

Then I went to a Boston Local Food Festival meeting where I met Michelle, Robin and Jon and realized that Boston had an amazing and supportive food community. I went from knowing virtually no one, to being able to chat all day (probably to my detriment and BF’s irritation) about food, culture, news, and whatever else I thought of. My eyes were opened. I’ve spent the past year cooking a lot, putting on more butter weight than I should, meeting simply stunning people, and learning from all of you, commentors, bloggers and friends. I’ve started swapping canned goods with people (most notably Brian and a debacle involving nearly-missing Blood-Orange Curd).
So thanks Boston Food Community, for giving me a reason to keep blogging and to stick around. Thanks for reintroducing me to a city that is now firmly home, where I get together for cookie swaps, brunches and bake dates with friends. Where bananagrams is played ALL. THE. TIME. And where spring now means I have another birthday to celebrate (my own and Kathy Can Cook’s), which means more cake and another reason to eat out. I appreciate everything this community gives me – from support on bad days to photography lessons. You’ve all made me a better and less fearful person.
Now I think I need a cupcake, or at least a cookie.